An application that is included with Worldox GX3 is an application that is not generally know but if very helpful in monitoring the general health of your Worldox GX3 system, including the status of the Indexer.

WDInfo was included in Worldox GX2 but was withdrawn for redesign in 2011.  The redesigned version was released with Worldox GX3 and looks different than the original version with new screens and a tabbed presentation.  Added to the new version is the capability to schedule recurring email notification on the status of the indexer and the databases.

WDInfo can benefit Worldox Administrators, Help Desk personnel, MIS Staff and firm administrators responsible for being sure Worldox is running properly. WDInfo run on any network workstation and the icon appears in the system tray so is always available for system monitoring.  You can also schedule email update to multiple recipients to make sure the system health is monitored by more than one person.  Also, if your firm has multiple Worldox locations, each location can be monitored from the same WDInfo screen.

WDInfo in System Tray
WDInfo in System Tray

WDInfo monitors and reports on the following system components:

  • Worldox users – indicates which Worldox users are on-line, and whether they are running Worldox directly from the network or in mirrored mode.  This can be helpful in finding is users are signed into Worldox multiple times therefore taking up multiple concurrent user licenses.

WDInfo User Tab


  • Worldox databases – Lists for each database, its location, status, number of records and when it was lasted updated.

WDInfo Databases Tab



Baker+Cadence Solutions can assist you in setting up WDInfo for your Worldox system. Please email or call us at 888-444-4250 (toll free) or email